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Forskning - Barn och Ungdomar/Research children and youth

2003 - 2004 - 2005



Klicka Här Early identification of individuals at risk for antisocial personality disorder By; Jonathan Hill, MRCPsych. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2003) 182: s11-s14.

Klicka Här Severe ADHD May Predict Alcohol Problems. Av; Buddy T, About.com (2003)

Klicka Här Childhood Predictors of Adolescent Substance Use in a Longitudinal Study of Children With ADHD. Studie av; Brooke S. G. Molina Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine och William E. Pelham, Jr. State University of New York at Buffalo. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2003, Vol. 112, No. 3, 497–507.

Klicka Här Callous/Unemotional Traits and Social-Cognitive Processes in Adjudicated Youths. Av; Dustin A. Pardini M.A., John E. Lochman, Ph.D., Paul J. Frick, Ph.D. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 42(3):364-371, March 2003.

Klicka Här "Acquired Psychopathy" and the Neurobiology of Emotion and Violence. By; Müller JL, Schuierer G, Marienhagen J, Putzhammer A, Klein HE. (German Study) Psychiatrische Praxis 2003 May;30(Suppl 2):221-225.

Klicka Här Adolescents with Psychopathic Characteristics in a Substance Abusing Cohort: Treatment Process and Outcomes Av; Melanie L. O'Neill, Victor Lidz och Kirk Heilbrun. Law and Human Behavior, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Jun., 2003), pp. 299-313.

Klicka Här Psychopathic personality in young people. Av; Mairead Dolan. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2004) 10: 466-473.

Klicka Här Psychopathy as a disorder of empathy. Av; Henrik Söderström, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 12, Number 5 / October, 2003 pages 249-252.

Klicka Här Childhood behaviour as related to subsequent drinking offences and violent offending: a prospective study of 11- to 14-year-old youths into their fourth decade. Av; Jenny M. Eklund och Professor Britt af Klinteberg. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Volume 13, Issue 4 , Pages 294 - 309. (2003)

Klicka Här Childhood ADHD and Later Antisocial Behavior and Drug Use. Av; Mariellen Fischer, Ph.D. och Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D. April 2003.

Klicka Här ANTISOCIAL CHILDREN: HEREDITY MORE TO BLAME THAN HOME LIFE, Crime Times, 2003. " new study adds to evidence that antisocial children's difficult behaviors-including physical violence, oppositional behavior, lying, stealing, and bullying-are influenced far more by genes than by home environment."

Klicka Här High prevalence of rare dopamine receptor D4 alleles in children diagnosed with
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
. By; GRADY D. L., CHI H-C, DING Y-C, SMITH M., WANG E., SCHUCK S., FLODMAN P., SPENCE M. A., SWANSON J. M. and MOYZIS R. K. Molecular Psychiatry, 2003, vol. 8, No.5, pp. 536-545.

Klicka Här Callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in the prediction of conduct problem severity, aggression, and self-report of delinquency. Av; Paul J. Frick, Amy H. Cornell, Christopher T. Barry, S. Doug Bodin and Heather E. Dane. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, August, 2003. Also; Here

Klicka Här Strong genetic effects on cross-situational antisocial behaviour among 5-year-old children according to mothers, teachers, examiner-observers, and twins' self-reports. By; Arseneault L.; Moffitt T.E.; Caspi A.; Taylor A.; Rijsdijk F.V.; Jaffee S.R.; Ablow J.C.; Measelle J.R. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 44, Number 6, September 2003 , pp. 832-848(17)

Klicka Här Association of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone with externalizing behavior in adolescent boys and girls. By; Athanasios Maras, Manfred Laucht, Dirk Gerdes, Cindy Wilhelm, Sabina Lewicka, Doris Haack, Lucie Malisova, Martin H. Schmidt. Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 28, Issue 7, October 2003, Pages 932-940.


Klicka Här Psychopathy-related personality traits in male juvenile delinquents: An application of a person-oriented approach. By; Anna Maria Dåderman and Marianne Kristiansson, Medical Director. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 27, Issue 1, January-February 2004, Pages 45-64.

Klicka Här Psychopathy scores and violence among juvenile offenders: a multi-measure study. By; Daniel C. Murrie, Ph.D., Dewey G. Cornell, Ph.D., Sebastian Kaplan, M.Ed., David McConville, M.Ed. and Andrea Levy-Elkon, M.Ed. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 22, Issue 1 , Pages 49 - 67. Special Issue: Juvenile Psychopathy Vol. 2. Published Online: 6 Feb 2004.

Klicka Här Testosterone shifts the balance between sensitivity for punishment and reward in healthy young women. By; Jack van Honk, Dennis J. L. G. Schutter, Erno J. Hermans, Peter Putman, Adriaan Tuiten, Hans Koppeschaar. Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 29, Issue 7, August 2004, Pages 937-943.

Klicka Här Teen Drinking - Not Just a Phase. Av; Buddy T, (2004)

Klicka Här Brain differences in adolescents, psychopaths, lend to their impulsive, risk-taking behavior. By; Leah Ariniello. Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 24, 2004.

Klicka Här Significance of childhood conduct problems to later development of conduct disorder among children with ADHD: a prospective follow-up study. By; Mannuzza S, Klein RG, Abikoff H, Moulton JL 3rd. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2004 Oct;32(5):565-73. *

Klicka Här Brain Differences In Adolescents, Psychopaths, Lend To Their Impulsive, Risk-taking Behavior. Society For Neuroscience, November 2, 2004.

Klicka Här Reduced temporal lobe volume in early onset conduct disorder. By; Kruesi, M. J. P., Casanova, M. F., Mannheim, G., et al. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 132, 1 –11. (2004)


Klicka Här Antisocial behaviour in clinocally referred boys Early identification and assessment procedures in child psychiatry. By; Pia Enebrink. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. (pdf)

Klicka Här Genetic and Environmental Factors in the Develpment of Externalizing Symptoms from Childhood to Adolescence. By; Henrik Larsson. Thesis. Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. (pdf)

Klicka Här Adolescent killers exhibit marked neurological deficits. Crime Times, V. 11, Nr. 2, 2005.

Klicka Här Linking adult psychopathy with childhood hyperactivity-impulsivity-attention problems and conduct problems through retrospective self-reports. By; Johansson P, Kerr M, Andershed H. Journal of Personality Disorders, 2005 Feb;19(1):94-101.

Klicka Här The childhood-onset neuropsychiatric background to adulthood psychopathic traits and personality disorders. Söderström H, Nilsson T, Sjödin, AK, Carlstedt A och Forsman A. Department of Forensic Psychiatry, 422 04 Hisings Backa, Sweden. Comprehensive psychiatry, Mars-April; 46(2):sid. 111-6, 2005.
I studien ville man se om det fanns några utmärkande drag mellan psykopati och tidiga beteende störningar. Man fann bl.a. ett samband mellan Conduct Disorder (CD) och psykopati men också att det kan finnas specifika drag som gör att en individ blir psykopat. Mycket intressant och läsvärd studie.

Klicka Här ADHD drug - Cylert withdrawn from market due to Liver Toxicity, a Major Risk of Psychotropic Drugs. Alliance for Human Research Protection. Se även;
Klicka Här Cylert and generic pemoline products, Medwatch, Food and Drug Administration, 2005.

Klicka Här Twins Study Finds Genetic Cause For Psychopathy, May 26, 2005.

Klicka Här The development of antisocial behaviour from childhood to adolescence. A longitudinal twin study. By; Tuvblad C, Eley TC, Lichtenstein P. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 14, Number 4 / July, 2005. Pages 216-225.

Klicka Här The latent structure of psychopathy in youth: a taxometric investigation, Av Michael W. Vasey, Roman Kotov, Paul J. Frick, Bryan R. Loney, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, August, 2005.

Klicka Här Personality Characteristics as Risk Indications of Alcohol Use and Violent Behavior in Male and Female Adolescents. Av; Jenny M. Eklund och Britt af Klinteberg. Journal of Individual Differences. 2005 Vol 26(2) 63-73.

Klicka Här Evidence for substantial genetic risk for psychopathy in 7-year-olds. Av; Viding , E., J.R. Blair, et al . Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(June):592-597, 2005. I den här studien så studerade man en grupp 7-åriga tvillingpar som hade drag av att vara okänsliga och kalla. Studien visade att det fanns starka samband mellan dessa drag och ärftlighet.

Klicka Här Cognitive therapy as an alternative to ADHD drugs Av; Gunjan Sinha, Scientific American.com, 11 juli, 2005. I denna artikel går det bl.a. att läsa att Dr. Torkel Klingberg på Karolinska Institutet har utvecklat ett program för att träna minnet hos de med ADHD. Besök gärna; http://www.klingberglab.se/ samt läs intervjun med Dr. Klingberg genom att; Klicka Här

Klicka Här Personality characteristics as risk indications of alcohol use and violent behaviour in male and female adolescents. Av; Britt af Klinteberg och Jenny M. Eklund. Journal of Individual Differences, 26(2), 63-73.(2005) Se även; Här och/eller, Här

Klicka Här
Psychopathy in Children and Adolescents: The Need for a Developmental Perspective. By; Randall T. Salekin and Paul J. Frick. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 33, Number 4 / August, 2005 pages; 403-409.

Klicka Här Monoamine Oxidase Activity and Tri-Iodothyronine Level in Violent Offenders with Early Behavioural Problems Av; Jenny Eklund, Per Olof Alm och Britt af Klinteberg. Neuropsychobiology, 2005;52:122-129.

Klicka Här Deafness to fear in boys with psychopathic tendencies Av; R.J.R. Blair, S. Budhani, E. Colledge och S. Scott. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 46 Issue 3 Page 327-336, March 2005.

Klicka Här The Concurrent Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory and its Relative Association with Past Violence in a Sample of Insanity Acquittees. By; Ivan P. Kruh, Karen Whittemore, Genevieve L.Y. Arnaut, James Manley, Bruce Gage and Gregg J. Gagliardi. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2005, Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 135-145.

Klicka Här Twin study discovers origins of anti-social behaviour "New research on the origins of antisocial behaviour, published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, suggests that early-onset antisocial behaviour in children with psychopathic tendencies is largely inherited." ( 25 May 2005)

Klicka Här Twin study discovers origins of anti-social behaviour Av; King's College London, 25 May 2005.

Klicka Här Evidence for substantial genetic risk for psychopathy in 7-year-olds. By; Viding E, Blair RJ, Moffitt TE, Plomin R. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2005 Jun;46(6):592-7.

Klicka Här Adolescent psychopathy and the Big Five: results from two samples.(five-factor model) Av; Lynam, Donald R. ; Caspi, Avshalom ; Moffitt, Terrie E. ; Raine, Adrian ; Loeber, Rolf ; Stouthamer-Loeber, Magda. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 01-AUG-05. Genom att klicka på; Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, på denna sida, så får du tillgång till många fler artiklar och studier av intresse.

Klicka Här The latent structure of psychopathy in youth: a taxometric investigation, Av Michael W. Vasey, Roman Kotov, Paul J. Frick, Bryan R. Loney, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, August, 2005.

Klicka Här Viding , E., J.R. Blair, et al . 2005. Evidence for substantial genetic risk for psychopathy in 7-year-olds. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 46(June):592-597. I den här studien så studerade man en grupp 7-åriga tvillingpar som hade drag av att vara okänsliga och kalla. Studien visade att det fanns starka samband mellan dessa drag och ärftlighet.


Klicka Här The latent structure of psychopathy in youth: a taxometric investigation Av; Michael W. Vasey, Roman Kotov, Paul J. Frick och Bryan R Loney Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 33, Number 4 / August, 2005, Pages 411-429. Also see; Klicka Här

Klicka Här Psychopathy in Children and Adolescents: The Need for a Developmental Perspective Av; Paul J. Frick Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA och Randall T. Salekin Department of Psychology, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 33, Nr. 4, August 2005.

Klicka Här Callous-unemotional traits in predicting the severity and stability of conduct problems and delinquency. Av; Paul Frick, Timothy R. Stickle, Danielle M. Dandreaux, Jamie M Farrell och Eva R. Kimonis Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, August 2005.

Klicka Här Family correlates of oppositional and Conduct Disorders in children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Av; Linda J. Pfiffner, Keith McBurnett, Paul J. Rathouz och Samuel Judice. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, October 2005.

Klicka Här Callous-unemotional traits are associated with clinical severity in referred boys with conduct problems. By; Enebrink P, Andershed H, Långström N. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2005;59(6):431-40.

Klicka Här Antisocial behavior in children associated with gene variant and environmental risk factors. "For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), possessing a variant of a gene involved in brain signaling may ... "JAMA and Archives Journals

Klicka Här Catechol O-methyltransferase gene variant and birth weight predict early-onset antisocial behavior in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. By; Thapar A, Langley K, Fowler T, Rice F, Turic D, Whittinger N, Aggleton J, Van den Bree M, Owen M, O'Donovan M. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005 Nov;62(11):1275-8. NY - Jan 2009*

Klicka Här Reducing violence in serious juvenile offenders using intensive treatment. By, Caldwell MF, Van Rybroek GJ. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2005 Nov-Dec;28(6):622-36.


Klicka Här The BTK Killer: Portrait of a Psychopath. By; By Denise Mann, June 29, 2005


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