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Evenemang 2008 Events - 2008


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Forskning - Barn och Ungdomar / Research Children/Youth

Klicka Här Stability of and change in criminal behavior: A prospective study of young male lawbreakers and controls. Av; J.M. Eklund och Britt af Klinteberg. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, Volume 5, Nr. 1, pages 83-95, 2006/ 2007-11-09. "the study was to investigate the stability of and change in criminal behavior from early adolescence to early adult age."

Klicka Här Aetiology of the relationship between callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in childhood. By; Viding, E. and Frick, P.J. and Plomin, R. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 190 (49). s33-s38. 2007.

Klicka Här A common genetic factor explains the association between psychopathic personality and antisocial behavior. By; Larsson H, Tuvblad C, Rijsdijk FV, Andershed H, Grann M, Lichtenstein P. Psychological Medicine. 2007 Jan;37(1):15-26.

Klicka Här Relating psychiatric disorders, offender and offence characteristics in a sample of adolescent sex offenders and non-sex offenders. By; A.Ph. Van Wijk, A.A.J. Blokland, N. Duits, R. Vermeiren and J. Harkink. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Volume 17, Issue 1 , Pages 15 - 30, Online: 19 Jan 2007.

Klicka Här Onset of antisocial behavior, affiliation with deviant friends, and childhood maladjustment: A test of the childhood- and adolescent-onset models Av; Pol A. C. Van Lier, Brigitte Wanner och Frank Vitario. Development and Psychopathology (januari, 2007), 19: 167-185.

Klicka Här Children and Parents' Antisocial Behavior. Artikel baserad på studie publicerad i, The Journal Child Development, februari, 2007. Även de barn som inte är födda med en antisocialstörning kan anamma beteendet om någon av föräldrarna har en sådan störning.

Klicka Här The Effect of an Education Program on Attitudes and Beliefs about Bullying and Bullying Behaviour in Junior Secondary School Students. By; Caroline Hunt. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Volume 12 Issue 1 Page 21-26, February 2007.

Klicka Här Longitudinal Evidence That Psychopathy Scores in Early Adolescence Predict Adult Psychopathy. By; Donald R. Lynam, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Rolf Loeber and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Volume 116, Issue 1, February 2007, Pages 155-165.

Klicka Här Convergent validity of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI): Association with the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV). By; Andershed, H., Hodgins, S., & Tengström, A. Assessment, Vol. 14, No. 2, 144-154 (2007) "results indicate that the YPI is a cost-effective measure of psychopathic traits in adolescents in research settings"

Klicka Här Adolescents at risk of persistent antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems: The role of behaviour, personality and biological factors. Av, Jenny M. Eklund.
Se även; Här (march 2007)

Klicka Här Does maternal psychopathology discriminate between children with DSM-IV generalised anxiety disorder or oppositional defiant disorder? The predictive validity of maternal axis I and axis II psychopathology Av; Hans M. Nordahl, Jo Magne Ingul, Hilmar Nordvik and Adrian Wells. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 2 / March, 2007.

Klicka Här Aggression as a mediator of genetic contributions to the association between negative parent–child relationships and adolescent antisocial behavior Av; Jurgita Narusyte, Anna-Karin Andershed, Jenae M. Neiderhiser and Paul Lichtenstein. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 2 / March, 2007, Pages 128-137.

Klicka Här Contributions of the DAT1 and DRD2 genes to serious and violent delinquency among adolescents and young adults. By; Guo G, Roettger ME, Shih JC. Hum Genetics, 2007 Mar;121(1):125-36.

Klicka Här Neurocognitive Correlates of Problem Behavior in Environmentally At-Risk Adolescents By; Sabrina Ford, PhD, Martha S. Farah, PhD, David M. Shera, ScD, Hallam Hurt, MD. Journal Dev Behav Pediatr 28:376–385, 2007.

Klicka Här Preschool blood lead levels correlate with later criminality. Crime Times, Volume 13, No. 3, 2007. Enligt denna studie så har man funnit att höga nivåer av bly i blodet hos förskolebarn har samband med brottsliga handlingar senare i livet.

Klicka Här Racing Neurons Control Whether We Stop Or Go; Research Offers Insight Into Cause Of ADHD, Vanderbilt University, April 19, 2007.

Klicka Här Brain Networks Strengthened By Closing Ion Channels, Research Could Lead To ADHD Treatment, Yale University, April 23, 2007.

Klicka Här Similar Autonomic Responsivity in Boys With Conduct Disorder and Their Fathers Av; Sabine C. Herpertz M.D., Timo Vloet M.D., Bodo Mueller M.D., Gregor Domes Ph.D., Klaus Willmes Ph.D. och Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann M.D. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 46(4):535-544, April 2007. Ny och intressant studie i vilken man fann att det finns stora likheter mellan pappor med en antisocial personlighetsstörning och deras söner.

Klicka Här Making the Connection: A Parent's Guide to Medication in ADHD Av; Hanna Mohab, Psychiatric Times, May 01, 2007 Vol. 24 No. 6.

Klicka Här Psychiatric Evaluation of Children and Adolescents: It Takes Time Av; Jeanne Bereiter, MD. Psychiatric Times, May 01, 2007 Vol. 24 No. 6

Klicka Här Bullying and Risk of Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents Av; Karen Dineen Wagner, MD, PhD , Psychiatric Times, May 01, 2007 Vol. 24 No. 6.

Klicka Här Psychopathy and behavioral correlates of victim injury in serious juvenile offenders ( Research Article) Av; Michael J. Vitacco, Michael F. Caldwell, Gregory J. Van Rybroek och Jason Gabel. Aggressive Behavior, Volume 33, Issue 6 , Pages 537 - 544. Published Online: 7 May 2007. En förklaring till grova/våldsamma brott bland unga tycks vara tidpunkten då de började begå brott, desto tidigage - desto grövre brott."

Klicka Här Children With Both Autism And ADHD Often Bully, Parents Say, University of Rochester Medical Center, May 18, 2007. "Science Daily — Children with both autism and attention deficit or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders are four times more likely to bully than children in the general population, according to a study released today in the journal, Ambulatory Pediatrics."

Klicka Här Comorbid ADHD, Conduct Disorder Raises Alcohol-Abuse Risk.Av; Eve Bender, Psychiatric News, May 18, 2007, Volume 42, Number 10, page 44. Ungdomar med ADHD som också har någon typ av uppförandestörning löper större risk att bli alkoholberoende.

Klicka Här Children With Both Autism And ADHD Often Bully, Parents Say: Researchers Caution Against Labeling. ScienceDaily, May 18, 2007.

Klicka Här Decreased brain volume in adults with childhood lead exposure. K. M. Cecil, C. J. Brubaker, C. M. Adler, K. N. Dietrich, M. Altaye, J. C. Egelhoff, S. Wessel, I. Elangovan, R. Hornung, K. Jarvis, and B. P. Lanphear, PLoS Medicine, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 27, 2008.

Klicka Här Comorbid ADHD, Conduct Disorder Raises Alcohol-Abuse Risk Av; Eve Bender, Psychiatric News, May 18, 2007, Volume 42, Number 10, page 44. Se även;
Klicka Här Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Risk for Heavy Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorder Is Age Specific Av; Brooke S.G. Molina, William E. Pelham, Elizabeth M. Gnagy, Amanda L. Thompson och Michael P. Marshal. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Volume 31 Issue 4 Page 643-654, April 2007.

Klicka Här An Epidemiological and Diagnostic Study of Asperger Syndrome According to Four Sets of Diagnostic Criteria. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 46(5):636-646, May 2007. Av; Marja-Leena Mattila, M.d., Marko Kielinen, Ph.D., Katja, Jussila, M.A., Sirkka-Liisa Linna M.D., Ph.D., Risto Bloigu, M.Sc., Hanna Ebeling, M.D., Ph.D. och Irma Moilanen, M.D., Ph.D. (2007)

Klicka Här Adolescent psychopathy features: 6-year temporal stability and the prediction of externalizing symptoms during the transition to adulthood. By; Loney BR, Taylor J, Butler MA, Iacono WG. Aggressive Behavior, 2007 May-Jun;33(3):242-52.

Klicka Här Relationships Between Parental Negativity and Childhood Antisocial Behavior over Time: A Bidirectional Effects Model in a Longitudinal Genetically Informative Design. By; H. Larsson, E. Viding, F.V. Rijsdijk and R. Plomin. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. June 30, 2007.

Klicka Här Low MAOA Puts Abused Kids At Risk Of Violence, June 17, 2007.

Klicka Här Consequences of prenatal toxin exposure for mental health in children and adolescents Av; Justin H. G. Williams and Louise Ross. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 4 / June, 2007, Pages 243-253. "Exposure to toxins during pregnancy may constitute an important but relatively unacknowledged cause of child psychiatric morbidity."

Klicka Här Instrumentally Violent Youths Av; Jillian I. Flight och Adelle E. Forth. Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 34, No. 6, 739-751, June 1, 2007.

Klicka Här Sensitive, stimulating caregiving predicts cognitive and behavioral resilience in neurodevelopmentally at-risk infants. Av; Sara R. Jaffee, Development and Psychopathology (juni, 2007), 19: 631-647.

Klicka Här Familial and temperamental predictors of resilience in children at risk for conduct disorder and depression Av; Katherine E. Shannon, Theodore P. Beauchaine, Sharon L. Brenner, Emily Neuhaus och Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, Development and Psychopathology, Volume 19, Issue 03, June 2007, pp 701-727.

Klicka Här Prenatal Smoking Exposure and Dopaminergic Genotypes Interact to Cause a Severe ADHD Subtype Av; Rosalind J. Neuman, Elizabeth Lobos, Wendy Reich, Cynthia A. Henderson, Ling-Wei Sun and Richard D. Todd. Biological Psychiatry, Volume 61, Issue 12, 15 June 2007, Pages 1320-1328. "Results indicate that smoking during pregnancy is associated with specific subtypes of ADHD in genetically susceptible children.

Klicka Här Evidence of Treatment Progress and Therapeutic Outcomes Among Adolescents With Psychopathic Features Av; Michael F. Caldwell, David J. McCormick, Deborah Umstead och Gregory J. Van Rybroek, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 34, No. 5, 573-587 ( June, 2007)

Klicka Här Sexual offense adjudication and sexual recidivism among juvenile offenders. By; Caldwell MF. Sex Abuse. 2007 Jun;19(2):107-13.

* Klicka Här European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Supplement 9 / July, 2007. Många intressanta studier gällande ADHD och bl.a. tic disorders, Tourette syndrom mm.

Klicka Här Types of empathy and adolescent sexual offenders Av; Tracey Varker och Grant J. Devilly. Journal of Sexual Aggression, Volume 13, Issue 2 July 2007 , pages 139 - 149.

Klicka Här Shaming experiences and the association between adolescent depression and psychosocial risk factors Av; Cecilia Åslund, Kent W. Nilsson, Bengt Starrin and Rickard L. Sjöberg. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 5 / August, 2007, Pages 298-304.

Klicka Här Application and Impact of the Psychopathy Label to Juveniles Av; Preeti Chauhan, N. Dickon Reppucci, and Mandi L. Burnette. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, Volume 6, Number 1, Spring, 2007.

Klicka Här Half of Children With Autism May be Diagnosable Soon After Their First Birthday. National Institute of Mental Health, August 10, 2007. "About half of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can be diagnosed soon after their first birthday."

Klicka Här ADHD is "Real". Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, August 8, 2007.

Klicka Här Societal costs and quality of life of children suffering from attention deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Av; L. Hakkaart-van Roijen, B. W. C. Zwirs, C. Bouwmans, S. S. Tan, T. W. J. Schulpen, L. Vlasveld and J. K. Buitelaar. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 5 / August, 2007. Pages 316-326.

Klicka Här Biological, behavioral, and relational levels of resilience in the context of risk for early childhood behavior problems Av; Susan D. Calkins, Alysia Y. Blandon, Amanda P. Williford och Susan P. Keane. Development and Psychopathology (August, 2007), 19: 675-700.

Klicka Här The Early Risers Preventive Intervention: Testing for Six-year Outcomes and Mediational Processes By; Debra H. Bernat, Gerald J. August, Joel M. Hektner and Michael L. Bloomquist Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 35, Number 4 / August, 2007, Pages 605-617.

Klicka Här Validity of self-reports of psychopathology from children of 4-11 years of age Av: S. Norwood, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2007 , pages 89 - 99.

Klicka Här Genetic Factors Strongly Shape How Peers Are Chosen. Science Daily, August 7, 2007. "As we develop, the company we keep may be increasingly influenced by our genes, according to a new study led by Virginia Commonwealth University researchers."

Klicka Här Behavioral Interventions Effective for Preschoolers with ADHD. National Institute of Mental Health, August 15, 2007. "Two types of early interventions designed to reduce symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschoolers may be effective alternatives or additions to medication treatment, according to a recent NIMH-funded study. The study was published in the most recent quarterly edition of the journal School Psychology Review."

Klicka Här Interactive Effects of a DRD4 Polymorphism, Lead, and Sex on Executive Functions in Children Av; Tanya E. Froehlich, Bruce P. Lanphear, Kim N. Dietrich, Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Ning Wang and Robert S. Kahn. Biological Psychiatry, Volume 62, Issue 3, 1 August 2007, Pages 243-249 "We observed independent effects of DRD4-7 and lead on various executive functions and modifications of lead effects by DRD4 genotype and sex."

Klicka Här Gender differences and developmental change in externalizing disorders from late adolescence to early adulthood: A longitudinal twin study. By Hicks, Brian M.; Blonigen, Daniel M.; Kramer, Mark D.; Krueger, Robert F.; Patrick, Christopher J.; Iacono, William G.; McGue, Matt. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2007 Aug Vol 116(3) 433-447.

Klicka Här A structural neural deficit in adolescents with conduct disorder and its association with lack of empathy. By; Philipp Sterzer, Christina Stadler, Fritz Poustka and Andreas Kleinschmidt. NeuroImage, Volume 37, Issue 1, 1 August 2007, Pages 335-342.

Klicka Här Personality trait differences in boys and girls with clinical or sub-clinical diagnoses of conduct disorder versus antisocial personality disorder. By; Taylor J, Iacono WG. Journal of Adolescence, 2007 Aug;30(4):537-47.

Klicka Här ADHD and comorbid disorders in relation to family environment and symptom severity Av; Tuula Hurtig, Hanna Ebeling, Anja Taanila, Jouko Miettunen, Susan Smalley, James McGough, Sandra Loo, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin and Irma Moilanen. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 6 / September, 2007, Pages 362-369.

Klicka Här Parenting quality interacts with genetic variation in dopamine receptor D4 to influence temperament in early childhood. Av; Brad E. Sheese, Pascale M. Voelker, Mary K. Rothbart och Michael I. Posner. Development and Psychopathology (September, 2007), 19: 1039-1046.

Klicka Här Changes in social competence in young children treated because of conduct problems as viewed by multiple informants Av; May Britt Drugli, Bo Larsson and Graham Clifford. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 6 / September, 2007, Pages 370-378.

Klicka Här Selective difficulty in recognising facial expressions of emotion in boys with ADHD Av; Nicola Yuill and Jenny Lyon. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 6 / September, 2007, Pages 398-404.

Klicka Här Who Is at Greatest Risk of Adverse Long-Term Outcomes? The Finnish From a Boy to a Man Study. Av; Andre Sourander M.D.; Peter Jensen M.D.; Mark Davies M.P.H.; Solja Niemela M.D.; Henrik Elonheimo, LL.M. Henrik; Terja Ristkari, TERJA M.N.Sc.; Hans Helenius M.Sc.; Lauri Sillanmaki; Jorma Piha M.D.; Kirsti Kumpulainen M.D.; Tuula Tamminen M.D.; Irma Moilanen M.D.; Fredrik Almqvist M.D., Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 46(9):1148-1161, September 2007.

Klicka Här The association between persistent disruptive childhood behaviour and the psychopathic personality constellation in adolescence: A twin study. By; Forsman, M., Larsson, H., Andershed, H., & Lichtenstein, P. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Volume 25, Number 3, September 2007 , pp. 383-398(16) * * *

Klicka Här MRI hints at abnormality in psychopathic ADHD children, Crime Times, Volume 13, No. 1, 2007.

Klicka Här High prenatal manganese linked to behavior problems. Crime Times, Volume 13, No. 2, 2007. Allt för höga nivåer av mangan har länkats till beteende problem enligt denna studie.

Klicka Här 'Deviancy Training' Among Friends May Lead To More Trouble. Science Daily, Oct. 3, 2007.

Klicka Här Exophenotypical profile of adolescents with sustained attention deficit: A 10-year follow-up study Av; Eva M. Alvarez-Moya, Neus Barrantes-Vidal, Jose Blas Navarro, Susana Subira och Jordi E. Obiols. Psychiatry Research, Volume 153, Issue 2, 31 October 2007, Pages 119-130.

Klicka Här Antisocial behaviour in kids key to alcohol trouble in teens. Medical Research Council, 30 October 2007.

Klicka Här Age at onset of substance abuse: A crucial covariate of psychopathic traits and aggression in adult offenders. By; C. Gustavson, O. Ståhlberg, A. Sjödin, A. Forsman, T. Nilsson, H. Anckarsäter. Psychiatry Research, Volume 153, Issue 2, Pages 195-198. Oct 2007.

Klicka Här Imaging Shows Structural Changes In Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. ScienceDaily (Oct. 27, 2007) "Researchers report that diffusion tensor imaging can identify structural changes in the white matter of the brain that correlates to cognitive deficits even in patients with mild traumatic brain injury."

Klicka Här Prospective effects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and sex on adolescent substance use and abuse. By; Elkins IJ, McGue M, Iacono WG. Archives Of General Psychiatry, Vol. 64 No. 10, October 2007, pages; 1145-1152.

Klicka Här Childhood behavior problems linked to sexual risk taking in young adulthood: a birth cohort study. By; Ramrakha S, Bell ML, Paul C, Dickson N, Moffitt TE, Caspi A. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2007 Oct; 46 (10):1272-9.

Klicka Här Convergent Validity of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI). By; Henrik Andershed, Sheilagh Hodgins och Anders Tengström. Assessment, Vol. 14, No. 2, 144-154. (2007)

KLicka Här Inhibition deficits of serious delinquent boys of low intelligence. By; Roos Koolhof, Rolf Loeber, Evelyn H. Wei, Dustin Pardini and Annematt Collot D'escury. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Volume 17, Issue 5 , Pages 274 - 292. Online: 14 Nov 2007.

Klicka Här Aetiology of antisocial behaviour. By; Essi Viding and Henrik Larsson. International Congress Series Volume 1304, 1 November 2007, Pages 121-132.

Klicka Här Stability of and change in criminal behavior: A prospective study of young male lawbreakers and controls. Av; J.M. Eklund och Britt af Klinteberg. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, Volume: 5 Number: 1 Pages: 83-95 Year: 2006 Available: 2007-11-09 "The findings indicated that, in addition to these common risk factors, early attention deficits and manifestations of aggression might be of specific importance to persistent criminality." Förutom kända riskfaktorer så visade det sig också att problem med uppmärksamhet och aggression var av betydelse gällande unga brottslingar.

Klicka Här Adolescents at risk of persistent antisocial behaviour and alcohol problems: The role of behaviour, personality and biological factors Av; Jenny M. Eklund, Theses from Stockholm University, Doctoral thesis. Of great interest, "Results also revealed that adolescent females displaying violent behaviour and engaging in potentially harmful use of alcohol deviated more in personality traits than did the corresponding group of males."

Klicka Här Psychopathy and behavioral correlates of victim injury in serious juvenile offenders. By; Vitacco MJ, Caldwell MF, Van Rybroek GJ, Gabel J. Aggress Behav. 2007 Nov-Dec;33(6):537-44.

Klicka Här Criminal Recidivism Among Juvenile Offenders: Testing the Incremental and Predictive Validity of Three Measures of Psychopathic Features. By; Kevin Douglas, Monica Epstein and Norman Poythress. Law and Human Behavior, 2007 Dec 6.

Klicka Här Comorbidity of internalizing disorders in children with oppositional defiant disorder Av; Khrista Boylan, Tracy Vaillancourt, Michael Boyle and Peter Szatmari. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 8 / December, 2007, Pages 484-494.

Klicka Här The Relationship Between Alcohol Problems and Dependence, Conduct Problems and Diagnosis, and Number of Sex Partners in a Sample of Young Adults Av; Patricia A. Cavazos-Rehg, Edward L. Spitznagel, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Karen Norberg, Wendy Reich, John Nurnberger Jr., Victor Hesselbrock, John Kramer, Sam Kuperman, and Laura Jean Bierut. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Volume 31, Issue 12, Page 2046-2052, Dec 2007.

Klicka Här Worldwide research networks for young child and adolescent psychiatrists: How can we help each other help children? Av; Stefan Ehrlich, Nicolas Jefferson-Lenskyj and Paul L. Plener. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 8 / December, 2007, Pages 525-526.

Klicka Här Parental schemas in youngsters referred for antisocial behaviour problems demonstrating depressive symptoms Av; Leen Van Vlierberghe, Benedikte Timbremont, Caroline Braet och Barbara Basile. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Volume 18, Issue 4 December 2007 , pages 515 - 533.

Klicka Här Support for the Dual Nature of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Substantial Genetic Overlap Between the Inattentive and Hyperactive–impulsive Components Av; Gráinne McLoughlin, Angelica Ronald, Jonna Kuntsi, Philip Asherson and Robert Plomin. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 35, Number 6 / December, 2007, pages, 999-1008.

Klicka Här Impulsivity in overweight children. By; Caroline Braet, Line Claus, Sandra Verbeken and Leen Van Vlierberghe. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 16, Number 8 / December, 2007, Pages 473-483.

Klicka Här The Relationship Between Alcohol Problems and Dependence, Conduct Problems and Diagnosis, and Number of Sex Partners in a Sample of Young Adults. By; Patricia A. Cavazos-Rehg, Edward L. Spitznagel, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Karen Norberg, Wendy Reich, John Nurnberger Jr., Victor Hesselbrock, John Kramer, Sam Kuperman, and Laura Jean Bierut. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Volume 31, Issue 12, Pages, 2046-2052, Dec. 2007. "These analyses demonstrate that alcohol-dependent individuals and those with conduct disorder are at risk for increased number of sexual partners (10 or more). Sexually transmitted disease prevention efforts should target individuals with these two conditions to help decrease high risk sexual behaviors."

Klicka Här Dose-response relationships between iron deficiency with or without anemia and infant social-emotional behavior. By; B. Lozoff, K. M. Clark, Y. Jing, R. Armony-Sivan, M. L. Angelilli, and S. W. Jacobson, Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 152, No. 5, May 2008, 696-702.
Se även; Iron deficiency and child development, B. Lozoff, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Supplement), December 2007.

Klicka Här Advances in genetic findings on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. By; Thapar A, Langley K, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC. Psychol Med. 2007 Dec;37(12):1681-92.

Klicka Här Predictors, clinical characteristics, and outcome of conduct disorder in girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a longitudinal study. By; Monuteaux MC, Faraone SV, Michelle Gross L, Biederman J. Psychol Med. 2007 Dec;37(12):1731-41.

Klicka Här Psychopathic traits in young children. By; Alice P. Jones and Essi Viding. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, Volume 63, Number 4 / December, 2007, pages; 107-114.


Klicka Här ADHD at 6, Alcoholic at 16? Study Shows Kids With ADHD Risk Alcohol Abuse as Teens (March 27, 2007)

Klicka Här For ADHD Children, Mother's Depression & Early Parenting Predict Conduct Problems. ScienceDaily (Apr. 12, 2007)

Klicka Här Brain scans shed light on ADHD kids. The Sydney Morning Herald, July 17, 2007.

Klicka Här Brain scans shed light on ADHD - Images reveal differences in neurological activity.MSNBC.com (Pdf).

Klicka Här Brain Matures A Few Years Late In ADHD, But Follows Normal Pattern. ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2007)



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